

MM Aqua provides NP-30 nozzles for uniform distribution of wastewater over bio-tower/trickling filter.
The excellent internal re-distribution of the flow within the BIOdek modules allows the application of a water distribution system using fixed nozzles. The fixed nozzle system can be adapted to any regular shaped media plan, including the circular trickling filters and is ideally suited for the square or rectangular tanks.

MM Aqua’s NP 30 fixed nozzle is a simple alternative to rotary distributors and is specially shaped to achieve:

  • Ideal distribution at low pressure drops
  • Reduced maintenance
  • Installation directly on the fill media
  • Simple installation and cleaning of the nozzles

NP 30 Nozzle also provides up-flow distribution. Up-flow distribution regulates the flow and reduces the falling water velocity-an important criterion in wastewater distribution.