

The website is provided on an “as is” basis. MM Aqua  strives to ensure that the information contained in this website is accurate and reliable.However, MM Aqua  makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy, correctness, reliability or otherwise with respect to such information, and assumes no liability or responsibility for any omissions or errors in the content of this website or for inappropriate downloading / unavailability of the website. All photographs appearing in this website are for general information and before taking any decision to buy any product and / or taking any business decision, please contact MM Aqua  for further details. All or any information on this website is subject to change without notice. Copyright of all contents, designs, materials in this website belongs to MM Aqua  unless explicitly acknowledged as belonging to a different proprietor. Nobody is authorized to change, reproduce, modify, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display the information in this website in any manner, without express consent of MM Aqua  or the respective Intellectual Property owner(s). MM Aqua  and its sister concerns reserve their rights to institute legal action against any / all person who infringe their patent and / or trademark rights. For clarification / information of any discrepancy in the information on this website, please contact MM Aqua .